Monday, August 19, 2013

Brushing your teeth

Brushing your teeth, thoroughly, twice a day and many of us have been begged by our dental hygienists to actually floss. Cosmetic dentist and Huffington Post blogger, Dr. Thomas P. Connelly, adds that a morning tongue scraping is a "huge" part of overall oral health. What else can you do and what should you be on the lookout for? Check out our slideshow of 10 of the most common dental problems and (when possible) how to avoid them.

Connelly says that gum disease is typically caused by three factors: bad oral hygiene, smoking and genetic susceptibility. According to the NIH, gum disease sufferers don't often show symptoms until their 30's and 40's, though teenagers can often have gingivitis, which is the milder form of the disease. 

Periodontitis is the more severe form of gum disease and, according to the Mayo Clinic, can put you at greater risk for heart attack or stroke. How? Bacteria can be inhaled or enter your blood through the gums, eventually affecting your heart and lungs.

Symptoms of gum disease include things like constant bad breath, swollen or bleeding gums and loose or sensitive teeth. The NIH reports that treatment often includes a deep cleaning or scraping tartar from below the gum line, prescription antibiotics, mouthwashes or gels and surgery. Diligent at-home care is essential thereafter.


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